So You Wanna be an Active Ally: Turning Good Intentions into Results

Carlos Eduardo Gacharná

Join Carlos Eduardo Gacharná to discuss how to turn positive thoughts into direct action that supports the multi-faceted progressive movements creating change around the country. Carlos will share his professional practices and philosophies as they relate to social justice advocacy work. Next, attendees will place some key learning experiences in Carlos’ career under a microscope to discuss the tough lessons he learned in order to be a better ally in the fight against racism, the patriarchy, and the prison industrial complex. The discussion will transition to practical steps all allies can take to better serve communities. Carlos’ hope is that by the end of the workshop participants will feel better equipped and supported to put in the work necessary to address some of the serious issues that are at forefront of today’s national discourse. “We can all find our unique land in the fight for a brighter and more equitable world, but you don’t have to go it alone.”

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Recorded 8/26/2020